CASE OF THE MONTH     |   07/2024

Delayed implant placement with NOVAMag® membrane in the mandible
Prof. Werner Zechner

A patient with a pronounced atrophic bone in the area of tooth #45 & #46, following tooth extraction several years ago, requested an implant supported solution.  As the bone volume was insufficient for primary implant placement, a delayed  implantation after alveolar crest regeneration was planned. Initially, the site was augmented with cerabone® in combination with autologous bone in 1:1 ratio. A NOVAMag® membrane was cut to fit the defect and shaped into the desired shape. Upon placing the bone graft, the magnesium membrane was folded over the augmented site and fixed with titanium screws  both lingually and buccally. After 6 months of uneventful healing, excellent soft tissue condition were reported. Upon opening the flap for implant placement, the xenograft particles were integrated into the bone and a high quality and sufficient volume of regenerate bone was documented. The formation of new bone showed a dense and highly vascularized bone. Subsequently, 2 months after implant and check-up the patient was sent back to the referring prosthodontist for the final restoration.

The „Case Of The Month“ highlights every month a clinical case, which distinguished itself by the clinical results or the treatment concept in combination with the applied botiss biomaterials. The selection of the case is based on content relevance and quality of the documentation.


Interventi chirurgici