Frederico Brugnami
The webinar focuses on the indications of regenerative orthodontics. Dr. Brugnami presents the use of different techniques and discusses the selection of biomaterials based on their properties. Corticotomy with regenerative procedures offers many clinical advantages: due to the ability to expand the bony basis and the alveolar regeneration. A new approach called tunnel regenerative orthodontics is presented with the application of bone grafting materials and combined with mucoderm® in the sense of Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) and to further increase the soft tissue profile.
mucoderm® is a natural, non-cross-linked procine dermal matrix, consisting of collagen type I and III, strongly resembling the native structure of the human dermis offering a valid alternative in dental surgery.
Dr. Brugnami helds a doctoral degree in dentistry from the “La Sapienza”University of Rome since 1991. Today, he´s working in his own private practice focusing on Periodontics, Implants and Perio-Orthodontics located in Rome and London. Dr. Brugnami is co-editor of the first book completely dedicated to corticotomy and is author of several publications and a book chapter on Bone Grafting and Regeneration, Implants and Osteogenic Orthodontics. Besides his diploma of The American Board of Periodontology and his certificate in periodontics from the Tufts University, he´s a renowned lecturer wordwide.