

natural collagen

Stabilization of blood clot

Controlled wound healing process

collacone® is a wet-stable and moldable cone made of natural collagen. It was specifically developed and designed for application in fresh extraction sockets, to support the natural healing of the socket. The application of collacone® into the socket supports the stabilization of the formed blood coagulum and helps to control bleeding, while its form-fitted cone shape protects the wound area from food and bacteria 1. collacone® resorbs completely within about 2-4 weeks 2, 3.


After tooth removal, the healing of an extraction socket requires the formation and maturation of a blood clot, followed by the infiltration of fibroblasts that replace the coagulum. The spongy structure of collacone® provides an ideal structure for the adhesion of thrombocytes, fibroblasts, and osteoblasts 4, 5. Fine blood vessels grow into and through the cone; as a result, the preliminary tissue formed in the alveolus is supplied with oxygen, nutrients, and the essential signaling molecules, which support its bony regeneration. collacone® application is particularly beneficial in hemostatic compromised patients to prevent postoperative bleeding events 1.

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Product Specifications

Art.-No. Dimensions Content
51112 ~16 mm height,

width on top ~11 mm,

bottom width ~7 mm

12 pieces (single sterile units)


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collacone® is produced of porcine dermis by a standardized, controlled purification process. The dermis is carefully cleaned by several wet-chemical purification steps, lyophilized and sterilized by gamma irradiation. The unique production process guarantees a safe end-product, free from cells and chemical residues.

Collagen is a highly versatile material that, due to its low immunogenicity and superior biocompatibility and that of the degraded end-products, is widely employed in biomedical and pharmacological applications 6. The natural hemostatic function of the collagen together with its complete degradation make collacone® an ideal product to apply in fresh extraction sockets, to cover wounds, helping control the bleeding and stabilizing the wound.

Damage to the blood vessel wall leads to subendothelial collagen release. The collagen directly or indirectly interacts with the surface receptors on thrombocytes. The binding of collagen initiates a reaction cascade leading to transformation and aggregation of the thrombocytes. Additionally, the thrombocytes are cross-linked by fibrinogen. The resulting (white) thrombus initially stabilizes the wound 7. Accordingly, collagen sponges support the formation of a blood coagulum and contribute to a rapid stabilization of the wound area. Due to their hemostatic effect, collagen sponges and cones can be used for stabilization of biopsy harvesting sites or covering of minor oral wounds and extraction sockets, respectively.
Medication with anticoagulant drugs (i.e. heparin or warfarin) poses a higher risk for patients of bleeding following tooth extraction. Local hemostatic agents like collagen fleeces can prevent postoperative bleeding without the need to pause the anticoagulant therapy 8. A retrospective study with 200 anticoagulated patients showed a very low rate of bleedings following application of collacone® in fresh extraction sockets 1.

The form-fitted cone shape of collacone® protects the wound area from entry of food and bacteria. Furthermore, the spongy collagen structure of the cone encourages coagulum formation and provides an ideal structure for the adhesion of thrombocytes, fibroblasts and osteoblasts. Fine blood vessels grow into and through the cone, connecting it to the surrounding tissue. Consequently, the preliminary tissue formed in the alveolus is supplied with oxygen and nutrients and important signaling molecules supporting its bony regeneration.

Generally, dry application of collacone® is recommended, because soaking or moistening prior to implantation may impair its hemostatic properties. At the defect site, the spongy cone rapidly soaks up blood. The collacone® maintains integrity in the presence of blood and during application.

Due to its hydrophilic properties and highly porous structure, collacone® quickly absorbs blood. High resolution pictures show the spongy structure fiber network of collacone®.

According to the early implantation procedure, the implant is placed after tooth extraction, before the bony regeneration takes place within the socket. Typically, an early implantation is performed about 4-8 weeks after tooth extraction; at this point, the healing of the soft tissue is completed and potential inflammations have disappeared. The natural healing of the socket may be supported by applying collacone® into the socket to support the stabilization of the formed blood coagulum and protect the wound area from food and bacteria. Although the bone volume is usually adequate after 4-8 weeks (since the resorption of the alveolar bone has not yet started), any existing bony defect of the alveolus may be treated at the moment of implantation.


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  • collafleece®


    A wet-stable, porcine collagen sponge with highly efficient hemostatic properties.


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  1. Zirk et al. 2016. Prevention of post-operative bleeding in hemostatic compromised patients using native porcine collagen fleeces-retrospective study of a consecutive case series. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 20(3):249-54.
  2. Barbeck et al. 2015. Porcine Dermis and Pericardium-Based, Non-Cross-Linked Materials Induce Multinucleated Giant Cells After Their In Vivo Implantation: A Physiological Reaction? J Oral Implantol. 41(6):e267-81
  3. Siar et al. 2011. Subcutaneous reactions and degradation characteristics of collagenous and noncollagenous membranes in a macaque model. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Jan;22(1):113-20.
  4. Miron et al. 2015. Osteogain® loaded onto an absorbable collagen sponge induces attachment and osteoblast differentiation of ST2 cells in vitro. Clin Oral Investig. 2017 Sep;21(7):2265-2272.
  5. Fujioka-Kobayashi et al. 2017. Absorbable collagen sponges loaded with recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 9 induces greater osteoblast differentiation when compared to bone morphogenetic protein 2. Clin Exp Dent Res. 2017 Feb 9;3(1):32-40.
  6. Patino, M. et al., 2002. Collagen as an Implantable Material in Medicine and Dentistry. J Oral Implant, 28(5), pp. 220 – 225.; Geiger, M. Et al. 2003. Collagen sponges for bone regeneration with rhBMP-2. Ad. Drug Del. Rev., Volume 55, pp. 1613 – 1629.
  7. Nuyttens et al.  2011. Platelet adhesion to collagen. Thromb Res 127 Suppl 2:S26-9
  8. Morimoto Y. et al  2008. Hemostatic management of tooth extractions in patients on oral antithrombotic therapy. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg 66:51.