CASE OF THE MONTH ย  ย  | ย ย 02/2025

From Explantation to Functional Restoration: A Multi-Phase Maxillary Rehabilitation Case

Dr. Luka Markovic

A 60-year-old patient presented with complications arising from poorly positioned maxillary implants. The treatment plan included explantation, followed by guided bone regeneration (GBR) utilizing autologous bone, ceraboneยฎย plus, and the ย NOVAMagยฎ membrane. Autologous bone chips were mixed with ceraboneยฎย plus to augment the site, while theย NOVAMagยฎ membrane was carefully shaped, positioned over the augmentation area, and secured with NOVAMagยฎ fixation screws.

Six months post-GBR, a CBCT scan was performed, and a simple template was created to plan the placement of three implants with cover screws. Two months later, soft tissue augmentation was conducted to enhance the band of attached gingiva using the Strip technique with mucodermยฎ and free gingival graft (FGG).

Two months after soft tissue augmentation, the implants were uncovered, and healing abutments were placed. Following one month of healing, a provisional bridge was created to shape the emergence profile. A complete upper jaw rehabilitation was planned to increase the free interocclusal space, as the lateral incisors were unsuitable to serve as bridge carriers. Implants were placed in their position, and additional GBR was performed using aย ceraboneยฎย plus and Jasonยฎ membrane to prevent bone resorption.

Six months later, the prosthetic phase began, during which zirconia bridges were fabricated on titanium bases, achieving functional and esthetic restoration.

The โ€žCase Of The Monthโ€œ highlights every month a clinical case, which distinguished itself by the clinical results or the treatment concept in combination with the applied botiss biomaterials. The selection of the case is based on content relevance and quality of the documentation.

