
02 Feb – 03 Feb 2018

02 Feb – 03 Feb 2018 | Athens

bone & tissue days Athens 2018


The 1st Hellenic bone & tissue days in Athens were a great success! It was the first time ever in the history of the bone & tissue days, that a major and prestigious scientific society such as the Hellenic Society of Periodontology with whole board and president Prof. Phoebus Madianos hosted such a congress.

More than 300 participants were very pleased with the high standard of the scientific lectures and practical workshops of seven outstanding international speakers like Marius Steigmann, Orcan Yüksel, Kris Chmielewski, Anton Sculean, Leonardo Trombelli as well as Martina Stefanini and Giovanni Zucchelli. Each of them offered exclusive insights in their best practices and preferred choice of botiss biomaterials in different indications in dental bone and tissue regeneration.

Held at the Royal Olympic Hotel below the Acropolis in the heart of Athens, the excellent 2-day program was framed by a lively exhibition of over ten sponsors and famous GREEK hospitality. A hugely satisfactory event which will stay for a long time in the minds of everyone involved.


  • Krzysztof Chmielewski
  • Leonardo Trombelli,
  • Anton Sculean
  • Marius Steigmann
  • Orcan Yüksel
  • Giovanni Zucchelli

Organizing Comittee:

Phoebus Madianos,

William Papaioannou,

Spyridon Vassilopoulos and Georgios Charalampak


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