08 Feb 2020 | Budapest
Immediate, early, and late implant placement with horizontal and vertical hard and soft tissue augmentation procedures
It is a great challenge for the clinician to choose a methodology before tooth extraction for the establishment of the new biologic width and a successful implant restoration. The soft and/or hard tissue enhancement in the majority if not all of the cases in the esthetic zone is absolutely necessary in order to achieve a highly esthetic and natural appearance of the implant crown. The timing, the material selection, as well as the type of the prosthetic restoration further complicate the decision-making and affect the final result, especially in patients with thin biotype. This presentation will focus on the methodology of the implant site development, especially in demanding esthetic cases, on how to perform horizontal and vertical bone augmentation, incision and flap design in combination with the today’s knowledge of the biology of different materials and abutments. Finally, new approaches with the help of clinical case presentations will be discussed.