CLINICAL CASE     |   01/2024

Posterior mandible GBR using permamem® and cerabone® plus

Dr. Orlando D’Isidoro

This clinical case shows a three-dimensional bone regeneration of an atrophic posterior mandible. Two implants were inserted and simultaneously bone regeneration was performed by means of a d-PTFE membrane (permamem®) and a 40:60 mix of bovine bone substitute with hyaluronate (cerabone® plus) and autologous bone chips. The membrane was fixed by mini-screws on the lingual and cortical bone plate. After 4 months the surgical re-entry was performed and the soft tissues were thickened in horizontal and vertical volume, with a porcine dermal matrix (mucoderm®) to achieve at least 3.5 mm of mucosa. Two stay-in abutments were connected according to the concept of “One abutment- One time”. At the same time a vestibuloplasty was carried on the tooth 3.7 with mucoderm®. The prosthetic work was delivered with screwed zirconia crowns cemented on t-base abutments.

The „Case Of The Month“ highlights every month a clinical case, which distinguished itself by the clinical results or the treatment concept in combination with the applied botiss biomaterials. The selection of the case is based on content relevance and quality of the documentation.

