Cardaropoli D, Tamagnone L, Roffredo A, De Maria A, Gaveglio L. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Nov/Dec;39(6):789-797.
The goal of the study was to evaluate marginal soft tissues changes of immediately placed and restored implants.
Following single tooth extractions in the anterior maxilla, the sockets were debrided and the implant beds were drilled. Prior implant placement, the peri-implant gaps were grafted using small cerabone® granules. Emdogain® was applied on top of the graft after implant insertion and a provisional screw-retained abutment was placed. The definitive crown was delivered three months later. Mesial papillary level (MP), distal papillary level (DP) and midfacial gingival level (MG) were evaluated at implant placement (T0) and 12 months post-loading (T1) using a reference stent. In addition, a pink esthetic score (PES) was analysed.
– Uneventful healing at all treated sites
– 100% implant survival rate
– No statistical differences for MP, DP, MG and PES between T0 and T1 were found
– No statistical differences between thin and thick biotypes were found
The authors concluded that immediate implant placement and restoration support the preservation of the marginal soft tissues. No correlation for the gingival biotype was found.
D. Cardaropoli