
24 May – 25 May 2019

24 May – 25 May 2019 | Rome

PRIVATE COURSE: VIII Annual Certification Course ODC Orthodontically Driven Corticotomy I Russian Edition


Expanding the limits of safe orthodontic movements and enhancing orthodontic treatment.

This course will be focused on the clinical application of the so called Periodontally Accelerated Orthodontic Movement (aka Corticotomy) beyond the mere acceleration:
When corticotomy and Guided Bone Regeneration procedures are added to orthodontic treatment, we are looking at Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO ®) or, how we like to call it, Regenerative Orthodontics.

To consider corticotomy or PAOO ® as simply a means of accelerating orthodontic treatment is quite limiting. Corticotomy with Regenerative Procedure offers, in fact, many clinical advantages:
This surgical technique has evolved and there are now several variations including the flapless approach (Piezocision ®) and the single flap approach (SFC single Flap Corticotomy). Both can be easily employed by clinicians and are likely to be more readily accepted by patients. The ability to use these techniques will facilitate the choice of the most efficient and least invasive approach. The appropriate multidisciplinary approach allows clinicians to plan surgical procedures in a sequential and/or segmental fashion according to the progress of the orthodontic treatment.
At this point surgery becomes secondary to the orthodontic treatment which therefore becomes orthodontically driven and as a result minimally invasive.


Friday, 24th May 2019 – Lecture Day
08:00 Shuttle pick-up at the hotel
09:00-11:00 Historical and scientific background of corticotomy. Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO ®)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Modification of the surgical Technique. The flapless approach or Piezocision (R). Single Flap Corticotomy. Surgical considerations.
13:30-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-16:30 Orthodonthic considerations. Orthodontically driven corticotomy. Periodontal health and orthodontics
17:30 Shuttle pick-up
20:30 Social dinner

Saturday, 25th May 2019 – Workshop Day
08:45 Shuttle pick-up at the hotel
09:30-13:30 Hands-on. Different techniques performed on pig jaws. Awarding of certificates
13:30 Shuttle pick-up

Talenti in Sanità
Via Renato Fucini 14
Rome, Italy

Contact: Dr. Alfonso Caiazzo
Phone: +39 335 435134

Speakers: Dr. Federico Brugnami and Dr. Alfonso Caiazzo

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