
17 May 2019

17 May 2019 | Helsinki

Reconstructive Periodontal and Peri-Implant Therapy

Parodontologian jaoston kevätseminaari 2019

08:30 – 10:00: LECTURE I
Clinical concepts for regenerative periodontal therapy in intrabony and furcation defects
Reconstructive procedures in periodontology aim at regenerating the lost periodontal supporting tissues which have been lost following periodontal disease. During the last decades, several treatment modalities including the use of bone grafting materials, barrier membranes, enamel matrix derivative, growth and
differentiation factors or various combinations thereof, have been shown to promote periodontal regeneration (i.e. formation of cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and gingiva) to a varying extent. In carefully selected patients and defects, combined with a strict pre -and postoperative infection control, reconstructive periodontal surgery may lead to substantial clinical benefits evidenced by probing depth reduction, clinical attachment level gain and defect fill. Current evidence also has demonstrated long-term stability of the clinical outcomes, thus indicating that these techniques may improve tooth prognosis and
long-term survival. The presentation will answer the question on the clinical benefit of reconstructive procedures in intrabony and furcation defects for improving tooth prognosis and provide the clinician with an evidence based clinical concept for using these procedures in various clinical scenarios.

10:00 – 10:30: COFFEE BREAK

10:30 – 12:00: LECTURE II
Clinical concepts for the treatment of single and multiple gingival recessions / Treatment of soft tissue defects around dental implants
Predictable coverage of multiple adjacent recessions and of single mandibular deep recessions is still a challenge for the clinician. New data indicate that the use of the modified coronally advanced tunnel (MCAT) or the newly developed laterally closed tunnel (LCT) in conjunction with biologic factors such as enamel matrix proteins, connective tissue grafts, certain collagen based soft tissue grafts or combinations thereof may result in predictable coverage of single and multiple adjacent gingival recessions providing also long-term stability. Moreover, in certain, well-selected cases this technique can also be successfully applied to correct soft tissue defects around dental implants. The present lecture will provide a comprehensive treatment philosophy on the surgical risk factors and biologic principles that need to be considered to optimize the results.
Presentations of clinical cases and of surgical videos will demonstrate the step-by- step procedure for the MCAT and LCT in the treatment of various types of soft tissue defects around teeth and dental implants. Long-term results with a follow-up of up to 8 years support the clinical relevance of these techniques.

12:00 – 13:00: LUNCH BREAK

13:00 – 13:40: LECTURE III
Lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections
The lecture will summarize the biologic background and clinical indications for the use of lasers and PDT in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections. The available data indicate that the use of lasers and PDT may result in reduction of inflammation and improved wound healing. Results from randomized controlled clinical studies indicate that, in certain situations, PDT may represent a valuable alternative for local antibiotics in patients enrolled in maintenance program showing incipient peri-implantitis. In patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis, nonsurgical periodontal therapy followed by systemic administration of Amoxicillin and Metronidazole or application of PDT resulted in significant clinical improvements compared to baseline, but the systemic administration of antibiotics resulted in significantly higher improvements in terms of probing depth reduction (i.e. less number of pockets < 6mm) compared to the application of PDT.
Recent findings also indicate that in peri-implantitis defects, a newly developed protocol including repeated mechanical pocket debridement and application of a diode laser resulted in substantial clinical improvements evidenced by reduction of pockets depths, inflammation and radiographic bone fill. Based on the available evidence, conclusions will be drawn on the potential clinical benefits of using lasers and PDT in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.


14:00 – 15:00: COCKTAIL


Please note that registration is possible exclusively for members of APOLLONIA SOCIETY.

Ravintola Palace
Eteläranta 10, 00130 Helsinki

Speaker: Anton Sculean

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