Balint Molnar
The webinar focuses on state-of-the art soft tissue management approaches around dental implants. Dr Molnár will present his clinical experience of the handling and healing properties of autogenous and xenogeneic soft tissue grafts.
Soft tissue deficiencies are common drawbacks in implant dentistry. Three-dimensional loss of soft tissues may result in conditions with impaired function, esthetics and cleansibility. The surgical reconstruction of such soft tissue anomalies may represent demanding clinical scenarios. To avoid or reduce these unfavorable deformations, several surgical techniques and graft types may be applied to compensate for volume deficiencies, lack of keratinized tissues and to reconstruct the distorted vestibule following inflammatory processes or hard tissue augmentations. The success of these soft tissue corrections is of high importance, harmonious periimplant mucosa similar the gingival architecture of adjacent teeth may lead to long term tissue stability and aesthetics around dental implants. The lecture will give an insight to state of the art application of autogenous soft tissue grafts and xenogeneic biomaterials as well as surgical concepts feasible to recreate the lost width- and thickness of periimplant keratinized tissues.