
Vitamin D improves bone growth after implant placement
Kwiatek J., Jaroń A., Trybek G. (2021)

Original title: Impact of the 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol Concentration and Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment on Changes in the Bone Level at the Implant Site during the Process of Osseointegration: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial

This study assessed the impact of different 25-hydroxycholecalciferol levels and vitamin d deficiency on the bone level changes at the mandible site after implant placement. Sufficient vitamin D levels above 30 ng/ml are demonstrated in this study to play a significant role in osseointegration by increasing the relative mean bone level by more than 400 % after 6 and 12 weeks post-op compared to low vitamin d concentrations.


As one of the most crucial factors for the implant treatment, osseointegration activates new tissue to grow around an implant surface, to prevent the implant material from being rejected by the body. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to implant failures characterized by poor bone regeneration. Since vitamin D plays a pivotal role in the calcium homeostasis and bone remodeling processes, the skeletal benefits of vitamin D are of particular interest for implantologists and surgeons.


The study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of vitamin D deficiency and supplementation on bone growth levels during osseointegration. The total of 122 study participants were divided into 3 groups; group A (n = 43) who had low vitamin D levels (<30ng/ mL in blood serum) and did not receive supplementation; group B (n = 48) who had low vitamin D levels, but received supplementation; and group C (n = 31) who had a normal concentration of vitamin D in the blood serum (>30ng/ mL). Patients then underwent implant surgery and laboratory analysis of vitamin D levels in blood serum were taken on the day of surgery, again after six weeks and after twelve weeks. Bone levels were evaluated by radiographic images taken immediately after implantation, after six weeks and twelve weeks.


After 6 weeks following surgery, the mean bone level in group A with low vitamin D concentrations was only 0.06 mm, while the bone level for group B with supplementation and group C with sufficient vitamin D concentrations was 0.25 mm and 0.29 mm. The difference between group A and the other two became even more significant after 12 weeks post-op, where the bone height in group A was 0.08 mm whereas group B and C showed to have a bone level of 0.53 mm and 0.48 mm.

Fig: Comparison of the bone level between the study groups at the implant site after 6 and 12 weeks (A, B, C)


There was a statistical significance in bone levels, 12 weeks after surgery, where group B (who received vitamin D supplementation) had a statistically significant higher bone level relative to group A (who had low vitamin d levels and took no supplements).Thus,this study concluded that the level of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol during and after the surgery, had a strong influence on the level of bone growth observed at the implant site during osseointegration. Therefore, vitamin D should be considered as a relevant parameter in dental surgery when an implant is being placed.

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