02 Nov 2019 | Leeds
The topics that will be covered in this day course are: Guided Bone Regeneration: Predictable Strategies; Bone Block Grafting: Autogenous vs Allograft Blocks; Soft Tissue Management for Bone Augmentation Cases.
One major part that will be described in the course of the lecture is the special layering technique for Guided Bone Regeneration of the speaker with cerabone® and maxgraft® granules.
The course will mainly focus on the block grafting techniques with conventional allograft blocks as well as CAD/CAM allograft bone blocks. The great advantaged of these blocks will be outlined. It is intended to show how a general practitioner can start bone block cases with high predictability following attendance to this course.
Finally, it will be shown how mucoderm® ca be easily and predictably used for soft tissue grafting and as a membrane for open wound GBR technique.
The 4 hours hands on workshop aims to describe the GBR technique, allograft blocks preparation and fixation, membrane stabilization technique, and soft tissue management skills for bone augmentation cases.
SPEAKER: Hassan Maghaireh – Associate Professor, College of Medicine & Dentistry , Birmingham-UK – Head Of Scientific Committee : British Academy of Implant & Restorative Dentistry
UHRZEIT: 9.00-18.00