In this video Dr. Hassan Maghaireh shows the treatment of a free- end situation with vertical and horizontal bone augmentation with maxgraft® bonebuilder. Starting with the treatment planning with a 3D printed model (bonebuilder dummy) he shows the surgical procedure in detail, including fixation of the customized allogenic bone block (maxgraft® bonebuilder), implant placement and three years follow up.
Dr. Maghaireh is an aesthetic implant dentist from the United Kingdom and is the Head of Scientific Committee of the British Academy of Implant & Restorative Dentistry (BAIRD). He is an Associate Professor in Oral Surgery & Implant Dentistry at The of Medicine & Dentistry College – Ulster University- Birmingham as well as Mentor & Examiner at The Implant MSc Program act University of Manchester.
He is an ITI Fellow, ITI Speaker and ITI Study Club Director, Leeds.