CLINICAL CASE     |   03/2023

Posterior socket preservation using maxgraft® and permamem® – a 2-year follow up

Dr. Cobi Landsberg & Prof. Nitzan Bichacho (Prosthetic work)

A periodontally compromised, hopeless tooth in the posterior maxilla was extracted and socket preservation was performed using cortico-cancellous maxgraft® granules and permamem®, which was left exposed to the oral cavity. Even though the membrane protected the socket for only 1 week, a complication-free, complete soft tissue healing was achieved after 2 months. At the 6-month reentry the gained and maintained bone volume allowed for the placement of an implant. At the installation of the healing cap 4 months later the implant was found to be well osseointegrated. The 2-year follow up demonstrates a stable and satisfying outcome.

The „Case Of The Month“ highlights every month a clinical case, which distinguished itself by the clinical results or the treatment concept in combination with the applied botiss biomaterials. The selection of the case is based on content relevance and quality of the documentation.

