Original title: Socket preservation, sinus lift and lateral augmentation by using natural bovine bone substitute with hyaluronate
Zafiropoulos, G.; Trajkovski, B. Int J Dent Biomat Res 2023, 1, 1-6.
The patient presented with partial edentulism and pain in the in the posterior upper jaw. At this time point the region was supplied with a partial denture temporarily fixed on the teeth #13, #23, #27 and #28.
Detailed diagnosis of the concerning area revealed advanced horizontal bone atrophy in the region #24-25, vertical bone loss in region #26, and signs of chronic sinusitis. Tooth #27 was found avital with advanced root caries. Tooth #28 presented with occlusal caries.
Two-stage bone augmentation for implant placement with three implants in positions #24, #25 and #26 was planned.
Following removal of the denture and teeth extraction a lateral sinus window was created. Then socket preservation of the tooth #27, as well as sinus augmentation with additional lateral augmentation in the area #24-25 was performed using cerabone® plus. The augmented area was covered with Jason® membrane. Tooth #28 was temporarily saved and used as an abutment of the removal temporary restoration.
Implants were placed six months post-augmentation. Four months later, the implants were uncovered and loaded by use of system specific customized abutments and metal ceramic fixed partial denture.
- Sound graft integration into newly formed bone
- Horizontal bone increase from 2.25 mm to 7.67 mm
- Increase in bone volume allowed correct placement of dental implants
- Implants were completely integrated into the regenerated bone
- Satisfactory aesthetics by the end of the treatment