24 Nov – 25 Nov 2023 | Matulji
09.00 – 10:30 What are the prerequisites to provide a safe surgical journey?
- Key issues in treatment planning
- Preparation for an ideal reconstruction case
- Treatment concepts for healthy and periodontally compromised patients
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Evolution of flap designs in the regenerative treatment of intrabony defects
- Understanding the concept periodontal regeneration
- Principles of wound healing for periodontium
- Evolution of surgical techniques for periodontal regeneration
- Evolution of biomaterials for periodontal regeneration
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Reconstructive periodontal surgery: Modern concepts
- Classification of gingival recession defect
- Surgical treatment for single and multiple gingival recessions
- Soft tissue grafting: Connective tissue grafts and soft tissue substitutes
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 18:00 Workshop 1: Soft tissue management in reconstructive periodontal surgery
- Primary wound closure with different suturing techniques (Single interrupted, anchor interrupted, double sling, double-crossed, modified internal mattress, horizontal and vertical mattress sutures)
- Papilla preservation flaps (modified, simplified, entire papilla preservation technique, modified-minimally invasive surgical technique, single flap approach)
- Coronally advanced flap and tunneling technique with soft tissue substitute
09:00 – 11:00 Reconstructive peri-implant surgery
- Timing concepts for implant placement: Immediate versus delayed approach
- Key issues for successful implant-borne reconstruction
- The rationale of using biomaterials for bone reconstruction
- Preservation of natural mucosal contour for better esthetics
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:30 Peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence: How to treat? Which surgical technique?
- Classification of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence defect
- Coronally advanced flap and tunneling techniques
- The rationale of adding connective tissue graft and/or soft tissue substitute
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:30 Workshop 2: Hard tissue management in reconstructive peri-implant surgery
- Membrane stabilization techniques for resorbable and non-resorbable barriers (Titanium pins and membrane suturing techniques)
- Periosteal pocket flap preparation
- Tension-free primary wound closure with modified periosteum releasing technique
- Connective tissue harvesting
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18:00 Discussion of critical clinical issues, Q&As
This Masterclass is a full immersion with theoretical parts and two different hands-on workshops in the afternoon to clarify the modern approaches for periodontal and peri-implant tissue reconstruction.
First day will be dedicated to the regeneration of periodontal tissues, exploring the evolution of surgical techniques for soft and hard tissue reconstruction around teeth. The participants will perform the techniques on simulators and will interact.
The second day will be the transition to peri-implant tissues, understanding the biological perspectives from the day of tooth extraction to long-term maintenance of the reconstruction. The second workshop will be based on hard tissue reconstruction techniques and biomaterial management.
Two different workshops, detailed case presentations with new surgical perspectives and microscope-enhanced videos will be presented.
Reconstructive surgery around teeth and implants: Established concepts and new perspectives for clinicians
In the era of patient-driven dentistry, reconstructive periodontal and peri-implant surgeries must be performed meticulously to strive surgical excellence and to provide clinical success in the long-term period. Recent scientific developments in the field of bone and soft tissue regeneration have enabled clinicians to perform minimally invasive approaches. Tooth retention procedures involving reconstructive periodontal surgeries have been well documented over the last 20 years. Innovative techniques and sophisticated surgical flap designs have improved the clinical outcomes and decreased patient morbidity. Unfortunately, there are certain clinical conditions that require tooth extraction and the best alternative for tooth replacement is dental implant placement. When natural dentition is combined with dental implants, treatment modalities become more complex due to anatomical differences. Blood supply, handling of the soft tissues, flap thickness, design and tension are key elements to achieving a successful surgical outcome. These factors should be critically evaluated and controlled by clinician. In this course, participants will receive the core of modern periodontal treatment concepts for periodontal and peri-implant tissue reconstruction.
Hands-on course
Theoretical & practical part on models
Education is held in English
Group size
Up to 16 participants
1.000 Eur (included tax, certificate, coffee break, lunch/dinner)
Further information
Tel: +385 51 701 704
E-mail: education@novodent.hr