28 Apr 2022
25 Apr 2022 | 28 Apr 2022
Monday, 25th April – Viña Del Mar
The first appointment of the botiss tour in Chile took place at the Pullman Hotel in Viña de Mar. Dr. Robles and Dr. Urrutia held their lectures and workshops for about 20 participants. The first half of the day was dedicated to lectures and the second half to practical workshops. The doctors shared their valuable experience using the biomaterials on the botiss portfolio and drove their attention especially to such products as Jason® membrane, mucoderm®, and our newly-launched cerabone® plus.
Tuesday, 26th April – Concepción
The second stop of the botiss tour reached Concepción. Here Dr. Daniel Robles held a lecture for about 60 delegates giving them the opportunity to see botiss products closely during a touch & feel session. The main focus this day was Jason® membrane, mucoderm®, and cerabone® plus.
Thursday, 28th April – Santiago de Chile
On Thursday, the botiss tour landed to its last destination: Santiago de Chile. Here Dr. Daniel Robles gathered with the other friends of botiss’ Dr. José Manuel Abarca, Dr. Pablo Urrutia, Dr. Stuardo Valenzuela. All of them shared their great knowledge with an audience of 120 dentists who could also take advantage of a Q&A session. Dr. Urrutia focused his lecture on Jason® and collprotect® membranes, Dr. Valenzuela spoke about mucoderm®, Dr. Robles exposed his lecture about cerabone® and cerabone® plus, while Dr. Abarca showed his work with botiss allografts maxgraft®. After the lectures, everyone enjoyed themselves with some restoring cocktails and refreshments.
Also interesting
- Dr. Ricardo KernBrazil