Wen SC, Barootchi S, Huang WX, Wang HL. (2022) J Periodontol. Feb;93(2):195-207.
The aim of the study was to assess the regenerative therapy of vertical bone defects around infected bone level implants in the posterior jaws using a fully submerged GBR approach.
Crowns of the affected implants (n=30) were removed followed by a full-thickness flap preparation to access the bone defects (≥ 3 mm vertically). After debridement and implant detoxification, GBR using a combination of cerabone®, maxgraft® and autologous bone chips in the ratio 1:3:1 in conjunction with a reinforced PTFE membrane was performed to provide both volume stability and remodelling potential. Flaps were closed and peri-implant bone levels were evaluate eight months post-operative during re-entry for membrane removal.
Significant reduction in bleeding on probing (100% to 36%)
Significant bone gain at all four assessed peri-implant sites averaging at:
– 3.22 ± 0.41 mm clinical vertical defect fill
– 3.47 ± 0.41 mm radiographic vertical defect fill
– 2.93 ± 0.25 mm peri-implant probing depth reduction
– Successful regeneration of the lost peri-implant hard tissues
– Saving of all affected implants
– Approach based on prosthesis removal allowed for increased implant- and bone defect access
– Possibility for primary wound closure enabled undisturbed healing
– Used biomaterial combination provided optimal environment for osseous regeneration