D.D.S., M.S., Dr. Odont., Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c., is Visiting Professor to the Master in Periodontics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and to the Master in General Dentistry at the Universidad de Barcelona in Spain. He is also Professor and Research Director of Graduate Periodontics at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico. Former Distinguished Professor, Head of the Division, Chairman of the Department and Director of Advanced Education Program in Periodontics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch, of which he was Dean from 1992 to 1996. Former Chairman of the Department of Periodontics and Director of Advanced Education Program, The University of Michigan. He is Honorary Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the Catholic University of La Plata, Honorary member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and Fellow of the International College of Dentists, American College of Dentists, Academy of Medical Sciences in Cordoba, Argentina and holds honorary membership in many international dental organizations. He is Consultant to the Council of Dental Therapeutics, ADA and Council on Scientific Affairs, ADA. He obtained his Dental and Doctoral Degrees from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and his Master of Science Degree from The University of Michigan. He has been the recipient of four Doctor Honoris Causa Degrees from de National Universities of Cuyo (1994), La Plata (1996), Tucuman (1998) and Northeast, Corrientes (2004), in Argentina.. He belongs to numerous professional organizations, has published more than 500 articles related to periodontics and lectured throughout the world. Dr. Caffesse was the recipient of the 1989 Clinical Research Award of the American Academy of Periodontology and the 1989 William J. Gies Periodontology Award for his scientific contributions. He was honored in 1991 by the establishment of the Raul G. Caffesse, D.D.S., M.S., Endowed Scholarship Fund at the University of Texas-Houston. In 1993 he received the International Association for Dental Research Award in Basic Research in Periodontal Disease. Dr. Caffesse was also honored in 1993 with the Service Recognition Award for "many technical and scientific contributions to the clinical practice of dentistry in the world", from the Official College of Dentists of the State of Buenos Aires, Argentinia. The Raul Caffesse Distinguished Professorship in Periodontics, named in his honor, was established in 1996. This award was the first endowed distinguished professorship at the University of Texas-Houston Dental Branch. In February 2001, he was awarded “The Continuing Education Course of the Year 2000” by the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain in recognition of his scientific and pedagogical values. In November of 2001, The University of Buenos Aires School of Dentistry Department of Periodontics bestowed the name of Prof. Dr. Raul Guillermo Caffesse to the Post-graduate Lecture Room in recognition to his contributions to periodontics. In November of 2008, he was honored with the designation of “Distinguished Periodontist of the Year” by the Ibero-Panamerican Federation of Periodontology, in recognition to his distinguished contributions and constant support to Ibero-Panamerican Periodontics. It was the first time that the FIPP bestowed this honor, which was received by three Latinamerican periodontists. In 2011 he was honored by the Argentine Dental Association as “Maestro of Argentine Dentistry”. In September of 2012, The Intercontinental University in Mexico, celebrating the XX Anniversary of the Postgraduate Program in Periodontics, that he inaugurated, designed the potgraduate periodontal clinic “Dr. Raul G. Caffesse”. He resides with his family in Houston, Texas, and he divides his time among his visits to Monterrey, long-term continuing education courses given in Spain, and his regular visits to the programs in Madrid and Barcelona.
Dr. Raúl Caffesse
Block graftingcerabone®collacone maxcollacone®collprotect® membraneJason® membranemaxgraft® bonebuildermaxgraft® boneringmaxgraft® corticomaxgraft® granulesmaxresorb®maxresorb® injectmucoderm®Periodontal defectpermamem®Recession defectsRidge reconstructionSinus liftSocket managementSoft tissue management
Dr. Raúl CaffesseSpainAndreas StavropoulosUnited KingdomProf. Dr. Adrian KasajGermanyProf. Anton SculeanSwitzerland