2014: Speaker for Straumann / botiss / ITI
2014: Dental specialization and obtaining the title: WBA for oral implantology (SSO)
2010: Member of tariff and economic commission of SSO
2010: Member of lead committee of MediSuisse (pension equalization fund for physicians, dentists and veterinarians)
2010: ITI director district Rapperswil
Since 2009: Joint practice of Dr. med. dent. Reto Morger and Dr. Annette Thieme, Eschenbach SG, Switzerland
2009: Dental specialization and obtaining the title: professional dentist for oral surgery (SSO)
2009: Team dentist for Rapperswil-Jona Lakers
2008: Treatment focus: Implantology DGI
2008: Partner of the private practice of Dres. Josef Gübeli, Reto Morger, Annette Thieme
2005-2008: Specialization in the Clinic for oral surgery and stomatology at the University of Bern, head of department Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Buser
2005: Graduation to Dr. med. dent. at the University of Zurich
2002-2005: Assistent dentist in private practice
2002: State examination at the University of Zurich
SSO – Swiss Dental Society
ZGSG – Dental Society of the Canton St. Gallen
SSOS – Swiss Society for Oral Surgery and Stomatology
SGI – Swiss Society for Implantology
ITI – International Team for Implantology
Dr. Reto Morger
General dentist
General dentist