
Detailed observation of the 3 years clinical performance of maxgraft® in socket augmentation

Solakoğlu Ö. Ofuoğlu D., Schwarzenbach H., Heydecke G., Reißmann D., Ergun S. and Götz W.

Original Titel: A 3-year prospective randomized clinical trial of alveolar bone crest response and clinical parameters through 1, 2, and 3 years of clinical function of implants placed 4 months after alveolar ridge preservation using two different allogeneic bone-grafting materials Int J Implant Dent 8, 5 (2022).


A longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation about the changes in alveolar bone crest (ABC) levels after socket preservation with maxgraft® and delayed implantation was performed.
Fresh extraction sockets of 18 patients were loosely packed and overfilled with maxgraft® (cancellous allogenic granules) to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) or the restorative margin (RM) of the adjacent teeth. The site was covered with Jason® membrane (resorbable pericardium collagen membrane) and a coronally advanced flap with a periosteal incision.
After four months implants were placed and after 8-10 months (postoperatively) restorations were applied.


  • Clinical and radiogrpaphic evaluations showed initial resorption and bone remodeling processes indicated by changes in alveolar bone crest levels during the surgical treatment phase
  • Radiographic analysis revealed annual constant mesial and distal level of the alveolar ridge during three years of clinical performance.

To conclude, socket preservation with maxgraft® is a successful method of preserving increased alveolar bone crest levels through 1, 2, and 3 years of clinical function.

a–h This figure demonstrates the measurement technique at the mesial (ABC-M) and the distal (ABC-D) aspects of the alveolar crest throughout the observational period between T1 (a following tooth extraction)–T8 (h 3 years following restoration) for a tissue-level implant

