The Use of a Novel Porcine Derived Acellular Dermal Matrix (mucoderm) in Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Augmentation: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Pilot Cohort Study.
Papi P. and Pompa G. BioMed Research International 2018.
Study aim and design:
- pilot prospective study to present the one-year follow-up results of mucoderm® in peri-implant soft tissue augmentation procedures
- dental implants were placed in the upper premolar area of 12 patients, at implant uncovering after 8 weeks mucoderm® was inserted
- the keratinized mucosa width (KMW) gain was considered as primary outcome variable
- after 1 month, mean KMW was 7.86±3.22 mm (100%) with no statistically significant intragroup variations
- no membrane exposures or wound healing complications occurred
- during the postoperative phase and after one year mean KMW was 5.67±2.12 mm (72.13%).
- The results of the present pilot study indicate that mucoderm® is suited to augment the periimplant soft tissue and that the results are stable over the assessment period of 12 months.
Piero Papi, Daniel G. Pompa