Dr. Marko Blaลกkoviฤ
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) of tooth 12 (FDI notation system) revealed bone deficiency in both horizontal and vertical directions. A complete mucoperiosteal flap was raised and the site intended for augmentation was exposed. ceraboneยฎ and a small amount of locally harvested autogenous bone were mixed together and used to augment the defect. NOVAMagยฎย membrane was used to separate the defect site from the overlying soft tissue. The membrane was secured to prevent slippage using resorbable NOVAMagยฎย fixation screws. To achieve an optimal soft tissue profile, mucodermยฎ was also placed over the membrane. The clinical outcome after 3 months was satisfactory, with the labial and oral mucosas being close together, and soft tissue seen to be regenerated. After a total of 5 months of healing, CBCTs show bony healing in vertical and vestibulo-ral dimensions.