Product Video
maxgraft® bonebuilder is a patient customized allogenic bone block for two-stage alveolar ridge augmentation. Based on CT/CBCT scans of the patient, the bone block is virtually designed using the latest 3D-CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) technology to provide a precise fit between local bone and allograft. To check the design and to measure the block dimensions, the clinical user receives a 3D PDF file containing the virtually constructed maxgraft® bonebuilder block. Tutorial for design check and measuring: Please save the 3D PDF locally on your computer and enable 3D content (Edit – Preferences – 3D & Multimedia and then select the Enable playing 3D content checkbox). To measure click on the ruler image on the top right (3D Measurement tool). With right mouse-click define the model units, e.g. measurement in millimeters. You can view the different layers in all three space dimensions by clicking on the specific buttons on the lower left bottom. You can view or hide the different elements by choosing them individually in the model tree on the left side of the file. For more information on maxgraft® bonebuilder visit